
  • With All His Wounds the Sun Rises / Se levanta el sol con todas sus heridas

    In his second bilingual collection of poems, With All His Wounds the Sun Rises, Se levanta el sol con todas sus heridas, Moises Villavicencio Barras shares with his reader a profound vision of his ancestors, language, love, Nature, and the time that we find our ourselves in. His raw, powerful, and lyrical poetry resonates with the experiences of a survivor, reminding us of our resilience and strength. Moises Villavicencio Barras has a strong sense of being a survivor. From the first to the last word, he reminds us that Earth is our source of power, beauty, and hope.

  • Luz de Todos los Tiempos / Light of All Times

    In this bi-lingual collection of poems, Luz de Todos los Tiempos / Light of All Times, Mexican poet Moisés Villavicencio Barras explores the idea of crossing from a multitude of perspectives, and comes again and again from his various journeys, back to the central figures of his parents. This is a book of love and homage, as well as a tender but honest exploration of what it means to grow into adulthood and reconcile oneself with the past.